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2017 – present      Tenured Scientist, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Kiel, Germany)

I am working at the development of new methods to reconstruct atmospheric pCO2 going back in time using marine calcifying plankton- pteropods and foraminifera, which are present in all oceans. Currently I am establishing a pCO2 calibration using pteropods that have been cultured under a range of pCO2, which I will then implement on pteropod samples from a 10-year sediment trap in the Arctic and on an Arctic sediment core.

Furthermore, I am also responsible for coordinating the study programme “Marine Geosciences” as well as teaching (9 SWS) in the international Master programs “Marine Geosciences” and “Biological Oceanography”. My teaching responsibilities include: Biomineralization Lecture and Seminar, Seagoing Practical and Seminar, Paleoclimate Research Lecture and Seminar, Introduction to Paleoceanography, Geological field excursions.



2014-17   Postdoc, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Kiel, Germany)

2013/14   Postdoc, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University)

2012         PhD, Marine Geosciences  (Jacobs University) & Biogeosciences (Alfred- Wegener-Institute)

2009         MA, Biological Oceanography (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) & GEOMAR

2006         BA, Biology (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)



2017   Keul N., Peijnenburg K.T.C.A, Andersen, N., Kitidis V., Goetze, E., Schneider, R., Pteropods are excellent recorders of surface temperature and carbonate ion concentration, Sci. Rep., 7: 12645, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11708-w.

2017   Manno C., (et al., inkl. Keul N.), Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high CO2 ocean, Ear.-Sci. Rev.,169: 132-145, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.04.005.

2016   Keul N., Langer G., Thoms S., de Nooijer L. J.,  Reichart G.-J, Bijma J., Exploring foraminiferal Sr/Ca as a new carbonate system proxy, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 202, 374 – 386, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.11.022.

2016   Langer G., Sadekov A., Thoms S., Keul N., Nehrke G., Mewes A., Greaves M., Misra S., Reichart G.-J., de Nooijer L., Bijma J., Elderfield H., Sr partitioning in the benthic foraminifera Ammonia aomoriensis and  Amphistegina lessonii, Chemical Geology, 440, 206 – 312, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.07.018.

2015   Keul N., Langer G., de Nooijer L., Nehrke G., Reichart G.-J., Bijma J., Schneider R., New Carbonate System Proxies: Foram Culturing and Pteropod Potentials, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 121 408, 305 – 309.

2013   Nehrke G., Keul N., Langer G., de Nooijer L. J., Bijma J., Meibom A., A new model for biomineralization and trace-element- signatures of foraminifera tests, Biogeosciences 10, 6759-6767, doi:10.5194/bg-10-6759-2013.

2013   Keul N., Langer G., de Nooijer L. J., Bijma J., Effect of ocean acidification on the benthic foraminifera Ammonia sp. is caused by a decrease in carbonate ion concentration, Biogeosciences 10, 6185-6198, doi:10.5194/ bg-10-6185-2013.

2013   Keul N., Langer G., de Nooijer L. J., Nehrke G., Reichart G.-J, Bijma J., Incorporation of uranium in benthic foraminiferal calcite reflects seawater carbonate ion concentration, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1029/012GC004330.

2012   Glas, M., Langer, G., Keul, N., Calcification acidifies the microenvironment of a benthic foraminifer (Ammonia sp.), Journal Mar. Biol. Ecol., 424-425, p53-58.

2010   Keul, N., Morse, J. W., Wanninkhof, R., Gledhill, D. K., Bianchi, T. S., Carbonate Chemistry Dynamics of Surface Waters in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Aquatic Geochemistry, Vol 16, Nr 3, p337 –351.


2018   Nürnberg D., (et al., inkl. Keul N.), The Plio/Pleistocene to Holocene development of the pelagic North Pacific from surface to depth – assessing its role for the global carbon budget and Earth’s climate, Cruise No. SO264- June 30 – August 24, 2018 – Fiji (Fiji)- Yokohama (Japan), Sonne Berichte, 2018.

2016   Repschläger J., (et al., inkl. Keul N.), NASGAF: North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and Azores Front Geometry, Cruise No. MSM58- September 10 – October 07, 2016 – Reykjavik (Island)- Ponta Delgada (Portugal), Maria S. Merian Berichte, 2016.

2016   Schneider R., (et al., inkl. Keul N.), LISA: Baltic Sea water budget and sediment transport changes since the Littorina Transgression and their effects on the ecosystem, Cruise No. MSM51-1 – February 01 – February 09, 2016 – Warnemünde (Germany) – Kiel (Germany), Maria S. Merian Berichte, 2016.

2015   Schneider R., (et al., inkl. Keul N.), PULSE: Paleoclimate- Understanding Labrador Sea, PULSE, Cruise No. MSM45 – August 02 – August 21, 2015 – Nuuk (Greenlad) – Halifax (Canada), Maria S. Merian Berichte, 2015.

2013  Keul N., Langer G., de Nooijer L., Bijma J., Effect of ocean acidification on the benthic foraminifera Ammonia sp. is caused by a decrease in carbonate ion concentration, Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 9797–9818, doi:10.5194/bgd-10-9797-2013.

2012 Keul N., The consequences of Ocean Acidification on benthic foraminifera: calcification and potential proxy applications, PhD thesis, Jacobs University.

2007   Hansen I. S., Keul N., Sørensen J. T., Erichsen A., Andersen J. H., Baltic Sea Oxygen Maps 2000- 2006 Balance Interim Report No. 17.


Langer G., Nehrke G., Keul N., de Nooijer L., Littmann S., Kuypers M., Bijma J., Mg and Sr banding in the symbiont-barren foraminifer Ammonmia aomoriensis as revealed by NanoSIMS analyses.



2019   European University “SEA-EU” (total 5 000 000 EUR, main PI for Kiel University). Consortium of 6 universities to create the “European University of the Seas” within the ERASMUS+ program

2015 – 2016   Daimler Benz Stiftung, Postdoctoral Scholarship, 02/2015 (40 000 EUR ) “Double trouble: Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of pteropods and the potential proxy implications

2014 – 2017   Cluster of Excellence-Future Ocean Research Grant 10/2013 (270 000 EUR ) “Double trouble: Tracing the effect  of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of Arctic Pteropods and the potential proxy implications

2013   Columbia University Climate Center, Research Grant (10 000 USD) Pteropods, the new foraminifera? Establishing an Oxygen isotope- temperature calibration”

2013   Columbia University Climate Center, Research Grant (10 000 USD) “Double trouble: Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of Arctic Pteropods”

2009 – 2012   AXA Research Fund Doctoral Fellowship (120 000 EUR)

2011   BioVisionNxt Scholar 2011 (ca. 1000 EUR)





2019    Naturalis (Leiden, The Netherlands), “The smallest gliders in the sea- deciphering environmental signals in pteropod shells”

2018    Biogeozones Workshop (Nuuk, Greenland) “Early signs off ocean acidification as recorded by pteropods in the Labrador Sea

2018    MPI Mainz (Mainz, Germany) “New proxies for climate change parameters: foram culturing and pteropod potentials

2017   American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11- 15 2017, “New proxies for climate change parameters: foram culturing and pteropod potentials”

2017   Naturalis (Leiden, The Netherlands), “Pteropods, the smallest gliders in the world? ”

2016   Naturalis (Leiden, The Netherlands), “Pteropods, the new foraminifera? Establishing an Oxygen isotope-temperature calibration”

2016   TU Dresden (Dresden, Germany), “Ocean acidification- The evil twin of climate change”

2015   Daimler und Benz Stiftung (Ladenburg, Germany), “Ocean Acidification- the other CO2 problem”

2015    Yale University (New Haven, USA), “Culturing foraminifera- biomineralisation insights and new C-system proxies”

2014   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Falmouth, USA), “Double trouble: tracing Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of pteropods”

2014   Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Future Ocean Excellence Cluster (Kiel, Germany), “Double trouble: Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of Arctic Pteropods and the potential proxy implications”

2013   Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Institute of Geosciences, (Kiel, Germany), “Carbonate system proxies- novel insights from culturing”

2012   Utrecht University, Department of Earth Sciences (Utrecht, The Netherlands), “Impacts of ocean acidification on foraminiferal calcification and (trace) element incorporation”

2012   Cambridge University, Department of Earth Sciences (Cambridge, United Kingdom), “Vesicle dynamics in foraminifera”

2011   GEOMAR, Department of Marine Ecology (Kiel, Germany), “Impacts of ocean acidification on oraminiferal calcification”

2010   Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (Eilat, Israel), “The influences of seawater Mg/Ca on Mg/Ca of  foraminiferal calcite as a function of temperature ”



2014   Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, (Palisades, USA), “Double trouble: tracing Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of pteropods ”

2012   Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Biogeosciences, (Bremerhaven, Germany), “Impacts of ocean  acidification on foraminiferal calcification and (trace) element incorporation”

2012   Jacobs University, School of Engineering and Sciences, (Bremen, Germany), “U/Ca in benthic foraminifera as a proxy for carbonate ion concentration”

2011   Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Biogeosciences, (Bremerhaven, Germany), “Vesicle dynamics in foraminifera”

2010   Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Biogeosciences, (Bremerhaven, Germany), “Sr/Ca incorporation in benthic foraminifera”

2009   Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Biogeosciences, (Bremerhaven, Germany), “Aragonite saturation state in the Greater Caribbean Region”




2018    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10- 14 2018, “Calcification in foraminifera largely supported by ion channels- biomineralization pathways and their effect on trace elemental composition” (Oral Presentation)

2017    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11- 15 2017, “New proxies for climate change parameters: foram culturing and pteropod potentials” (Oral Presentation, Invited Talk)

2017   Goldschmidt 2017, August 13 – 18 2017, “NEW CARBONATE SYSTEM PROXIES: Sr/Ca and U/Ca in Foraminifera” (Oral Presentation)

2017   European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017), April 23 – 28 2017, “Exploring foraminiferal Sr/Ca as a new carbonate system proxy” (Poster Presentation)

2016   12th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP12), Utrecht, August 29 – September 3 2016, “Exploring foraminiferal Sr/Ca as a new carbonate system proxy” (Poster Presentation)

2016   ICES/ PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium, Bergen, May 9 – 13 2016, “Pteropod abundance in correlation to sea ice- finally some good news for Southern Ocean pteropods? Results from a 20-year sediment trap study” (Oral Presentation)

2015   Sustainable Ocean Development Symposium, New York, September 28 – 30 2015, “Assessing marine biodiversity – pteropods as indicator species for climate change” (Poster Presentation)

2015   XIX Inqua Congress, Nagoya, July 26 – Aug 2 2015,   “Trace elements in pteropods: proxy development and paleoceanographic implications” (Oral and Poster Presentation)

2015   Response of Pteropods to ocean acidification and climate change, Workshop, Cambridge, June 1 – 3 2015, “Double trouble: tracing Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of pteropods ” (Oral Presentation)

2015   Planktic gastropods: biology, ecology and paleontology, Annual Meeting Malacological Society London, April 1 2015, “Double trouble: tracing Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of pteropods ” (Oral Presentation)

2015   Deglacial Changes in Ocean Dynamics and Atmospheric CO2, Leopoldina Symposium, March 18- 21 2015, “New Carbonate System Proxies: Foram Culturing and Pteropod Potentials” (Invited Poster Presentation)

2014   Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 23- 28 2014, “Double Trouble: Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of Arctic pteropods” (Oral Presentation)

2013   American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 9- 13 2013, “Double Trouble: Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of Arctic pteropods” (Poster Presentation)

2012   Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 20- 25 2012, “Impacts of ocean acidification on foraminiferal calcification” (Oral Presentation)

2011   American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 5- 9 2011, “Impacts of ocean acidification on foraminiferal calcification” (Poster Presentation)

2011   Bioacid Meeting, September 26- 30 2011, “Seawater endocytosis not related to chamber formation in foraminifera” (Oral Presentation)

2010   Bioacid Meeting, September 27- 30 2010, “Vesicle dyanmics in foraminifera” (Poster Presentation)

2010   FORAMS 2010- International Symposium on Foraminifera, September 5- 10 2010, “Vesicle dynamics in foraminifera” (Oral Presentation)

2010   European Geosciences Union General Assembly, May 2- 7 2010, “Impacts of ocean acidification on calcification in the benthic foraminifera Ammonia tepida” (Poster Presentation)